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IT Pro Server Group (JaxFISG)

★★★★★ 4.8 (241) • The IT Pro Server Group is a group of IT Professionals and Administrators established for the purpose of networking, design, education, security and familiarization of the latest technologies. Members of IT Pro Server Group are afforded opportunities to become affiliated with an innovative group within the IT community. Joining IT Pro Server Group affords you an advantage of to network with IT Pros, IT Educators and industry sponsors, vendors and talent management groups. Being better equipped to succeed in today’s information market is our goal for your success.

PowerShell: Stop Clicking and Start-Scripting

⏰ Jun 6, 2017 @ 6:00 PM ET
📍 6430 Southpoint Pkwy, Jacksonville, FL

Hosted by: Sidney Moore | 👥 38 attendees

The only thing better than this is MORE of this! I just confirmed Mr. Jay Adams of Noxigen will be at Keiser University, Tuesday, June 6 for the SERVER GROUP meetup and Saturday, June 10 for IT PRO CAMP. I am setting aside 30 minutes for him to show off SystemFrontier, a PowerShell tool for use in your organization. Please come early for a Server Group Double Header with Mr. Eric May of Emerald Data Partners and Mr. Jay Adams of Noxigen LLC.


Title:Reducing server admin rights with System Frontier
Abstract: Server Admins, Does your IT support staff have full admin rights just so they can manage a few task on your servers? If so, there are ways to give them granular permissions and access to tools without admin rights. We'll run through a live demo and discuss how to help make life a little easier and a lot more secure with System Frontier.

How cool is that?? Jay comes all the way from Memphis, TN so please come early and show your support.

And now we return you to our regularly scheduled broadcast :)

Hey Technologist! Join the server group for some food, friends and fun as we discuss and deep dive with Emerald Data Partners' CEO Eric May:

Title: We had no choice, but to use AWS

Abstract: A small, four man IT service company in rural North Florida, Emerald Data Partners did not have the capital nor the network to start their operations in a conventional way. Sounds like a sad song. But one day, Eric decided it was time for a change and the four man team learned AWS. Let's dive right into the nuts and bolts of how this small company from Alachua, Florida used Amazon's Web Services to make big dreams a real possibility. Eric May has a great testimony and will share how he uses AWS to achieve goals and even help his marriage! If you miss this, you will have to wait to buy Eric's book, "Love & Marriage, an AWS Trilogy". Just kidding, the book doesn't exist.... not yet!


About Eric May

Elected to a small-town city commission at 23, Eric May spent his 20’s not in the typical fashion. Coming from a technical background, Eric started Emerald Data Partners in 2012 at the age of 25 and has grown the company to four employees who provide complete IT service for governments, schools, and businesses all on a long-term, relationship basis.



http://www.emeralddata.us (https://www.facebook.com/emeralddatapartners/)




For more information, call Sid Moore (sdmoore68@jaxfisg.us) at 904-412-6175